Monday, 31 August 2015


Hello guys,

Today we have an interesting post that was quite highly requested when we asked our followers what they would like to see on our blog, the battle between high end goods and budget goods.

Earlier last week, we hosted a poll on OSI Blog asking this question: "Does it always take high end products to achieve flawless makeup looks?" and we received a mixture of responses. Our options were "Yes always" , "best to have a mixture" and "no". The highest amount of votes was given to "best to have a mixture" a lot of our followers thought that you can mix and match with your makeup tools and you don't have to burn holes in your pockets all the time just to look absolutely flawless...

Here at OSI Cosmetics, we encourage women to feel comfortable with spending a little less and getting the same results as those who spend double the amount, there's no shame in seeking a sensible, harmless bargain!!

Reasons to shop budget:

Often, high end options do not allow you to purchase versatile sets of makeup/ (tools), and if they do they are bloody expensive !!! It isn't always necessary to follow the trend of new products launching that are giving you practically nothing for practically everything in your pocket - sets mainly contain 2 or 3 products inside, why? you ask, because they want you to KEEP SPENDING!!!!

8 times out of 10, there are several duplicates and we often just fall for the funky names that high end products are given. How many times have you spent several pounds on a product that is named specifically for one purpose, but you've ended up using it for something completely different!? Yes we hold our hands up, we've all been guilty of it, but we don't have to be! Get the MOST out of your money!

We believe that the consumer should get more benefits out of their purchases, so with that being said, remember to purchase from a brand that does something for you too and not just sucking up all your money. Don't JUST buy the brand.

We hope this helped :) xo

OSI Cosmetics Team