Friday, 15 April 2016


Today, Divia writes about her heart felt story to encourage others to feel good about themselves, need a boost? We're here for you! 


All the more reason to love yourself.
Theres always a time in life where you feel like the wold is against you and you may not knw how to deal with that, well its easy all you have to do is believe in you and not depend on the world to make you happy. I cant tell you how many low ponts ive reached in my life
while´depending on others only to realise that all i needed was myself. 

Around last year i got pregnant with my baby and all my friends and the people i counted on dissapeared, i felt so alone and began to feel so depressed and one day my mom said to me " its no use
feeling bad, you dont need them." so i sat there and thought about it and i realized that if they couldnt be there to support me them i really didnt need them. I also thought about how much i'd accomplised so far in my life and i realised that i did all that and that i only
needed me and the only one who could make me happy was me and if i
loved me more than anything nobody could put me down.

Written by Divia Dennis