If you have taken a particular interest in a post/blogger on OSI Blog, we have every blogger who has ever guest blogged down below! If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of our blog, we have links to all of our bloggers' page, so they're just one click away!


Laura Gale  www.lalaldn.co.uk 'Plus Size Modelling: The Bigger Picture'
Contact: lauralou11@btinternet.com

Leonore Christa www.thinkbeautythinkleo.blogspot.co.uk 'HOW TO: Ombre Lips - The KJ Effect' Contact: leochrista@icloud.com

Itunu Para Mallam  www.rosesandredbottoms.blogspot.co.uk 'My Journey to Fitness' & 'My Journey to Fitness; Gym essentials' Contact: itunupm@hotmail.co.uk

Zahra Akhtar www.everythingbeautycool.blogspot.co.uk 'Beauty Tips and Tricks' Contact: zaybeauty@hotmail.com

Elizabeth Eke www.instagram.com/ElizahBeauty 'Eyebrow Tutorial - Thick Brows' Contact: elizabetheke@yahoo.ie

Lauretta Afful www.lifeconomics101.blogspot.com 'My Journey To Fitness - Abs and Lower Body Workouts' Contact: laurettaafful21@gmail.com

Divia Dennis www.growingupp101.wordpress.com 'All the More Reasons to Love Yourself' diviad93@gmail.com