Saturday, 12 September 2015


Hello everyone, this post is by our MUA ElizahBeauty (Instagram), and she has a detailed eyebrow tutorial for you girls, we are going to get straight into it, we hope you enjoy the post!...

Welcome my beautiful make up heads! How are you guys? J So I’m going to be doing a quick eyebrow tutorial and showing you key and easy steps all in these pictures and don’t worry there will be explanations! So let’s go!

Step 1 -  So first things first you always need your tools! This will consist of an angle brush (left) eye brow pencil or eyebrow gel (any of your choice) (top right) a spoiley to brush out your brows (middle) and concealer of your choice!(bottom left)  This can be a cream concealer a liquid concealer or even a foundation.


Step 2.
So like any other person who loves make up you already know you don’t wake up naturally with fleeky eyebrows so you have to make them look the part! (For those who do, teach us your secret!)! What you will now need to do is use your spoiley and brush your brows into place, in this case if you have naturally thick eyebrows like me this won’t be so hard for you! But let’s continue and see what I’m talking about!

Step 3.
Now guys this is where it starts! With your eyebrow pencil/gel liner any of your choice you fill your eyebrows in, I would suggest you start from the bottom middle part of your eyebrow because you don’t want to start from the very top and have it looking to thickly drawn on or boxed, also when doing this barley touch the eyebrow liner/gel liner, you want your eyebrow to look as natural as possible. My method as said before is starting from the bottom unless you start from the top which ever you are comfortable but always go light never lean on your eyebrow! And for those in my case who have natural thick brows I would suggest my method which is starting from the middle and working your way to the bottom until you get that shape your like! J
Step 4.
So now that you have filled your brows it should look something like this! Like I said before guys my natural eyebrows are real thick so mine will come out looking like this but if yours are slimmer and shorter the shape you form of your eyebrows will look much more different than mine but still pretty so don’t stress! You’re getting there!
Step 5.
Okay my lovelies! This is the part where you use your concealer with the angle brush of your choice, I purchased my brushes from OSI cosmetics so I get the best supply of brushes when working with my eyes but for this tutorial I used and angle brush I got from Avon that I’ve had since 2008 lol don’t judge me!
Always use an angle brush! You’ll never regret it! So for this I take my concealer of choice and the concealer I used for this was LA GIRL PRO CONCEALER in the color FAWN it’s always good to use a concealer a shade lighter than you to compliment your color and also blend in together with your foundations and powders when setting your face, with your concealer follow the shape of your eyebrow from the top and the bottom, and blend blend blend, you don’t want any harsh lines or want your eyebrows to have that not so cute halo! Girl Bye to Halo’s!
Step 6.
So guys now that we blended from the bottom of our eyebrows we can do the same with the top of our eyebrows and blend till we see the concealer blending in with our face till it looks like the second picture! The key to this is to always blend! blend! Till your fingers hurt! (Not literally), you’re are the canvas so create your look! You do the talking! And the painting!

Step 7.
Finally my loves! When you finally blend everything out and pop some color to your eyes and add those lashes BAM! FLEEEEK! You’ve officially been fleekeied! It’s all about following your eyebrow shape and being as natural as possible! Don’t worry you will have so much fun doing this you’ll end up drawing on peoples eyebrows for a living! J Hope you enjoyed this Tutorial and I’ll see you back at OSI Cosmetics!
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And be sure to always check out our Osi Blog for more tips and tricks! See you there guys! Mwah!