Wednesday, 23 September 2015


Hey everyone, today we're back on our Journey to Fitness with Itunu from and we're lucky enough to have Lauretta from featuring today with another addition to the #MyJourneyToFitness segment. Itunu and Lauretta are going to give us the opportunity to learn about why they enjoy and incorporate lower body workouts, and how they get to work their abs through short workout routines. So now is our chance to learn some guys! If you do have any questions about the #MyJourneyToFitness segment and this post in particular, do not hesitate to contact Itunu or Lauretta via their contact details on the OSI Bloggers page. Alternatively, you can submit any questions or comments via the contact form on the right hand side of the blog, just #MyJourneyToFitness and who the question is for and all will be forwarded to them!
We hope you enjoy the post!...

So about a month ago in my first ‘My Journey to Fitness’ post I told you that I would be keeping you up to date with my progress  every other week. Listing and elaborating on my work out routines, tips and essentials, ideas for healthy meals and any other things I try in order to reach my fitness goals.
This week, instead of writing a long post, I’ve decided to make a last minute short workout video featuring @la_xre, filmed on my phone, focusing on both your abs and lower body as my goal is to achieve a toned stomach and lower body area. I’ll do more professional videos in the future focusing on abs and focusing on the lower body but let’s kick-start with an intensive workout session.
This is a workout I made myself so there isn’t an actual name; however, this workout consists of:
Kettle Bell Swings, Leg Raises, Push ups and Planking
Naturally, there shouldn’t be breaks in between, but if you feel like you need one, take one before you do another kettle bell swing rep and have your water bottle nearby. Also, it wasn’t filmed, but before each kettle bell swing we jumped on and off the boxes; this isn’t compulsory.
I’m in no way a fitness expert! Like you, I’m on a journey and I’m still learning! However, if you would like any more information on this workout feel free to email me:
Here for the workout video:
Please click the link below to watch the full video and learn the workout routines with Itunu and Lauretta. Disclaimer: neither of the two are in any way fitness professionals , the purpose of the advice is to help someone only.